
Catfish and Catch Me If You Can

Compare and Contrast for movies: Catfish/ Catch Me If You Can
            Catch Me If You Can is a biography of young Frank Jr. Abingale, who was included as part of the screenwriting. This film was directed by Steven Speilberg and was released in 2002. The cast includes; Carl played by Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken who plays Frank Abingale senior, Leonardo Dicaprio, who is Frank, Amy Adams who was Brenda, and Nathelie Baye, Franks mom. This film was set in 1963 New Rochelle, New York. It is a biography crime drama.
            Both Catfish and Catch Me If you can are based on true events. Catch Me If You Can had comical feel as well as Catfish.  I liked Catch Me if you can more, mostly because of the cast. Both movies had to do with traveling. In both movies, the Angela and Frank had concealed their identities, also both were exposed. You could consider Angela to be as much as a criminal as Frank. Both individuals lied, and seemed to lead troubled lives. The one thing Frank wanted was a family back, Angela wanted her old life back as well. Nev in comparison to Carl was that they were the ones’ who wanted to expose the truth. Carl became emotionally involved with Frank. Nev treated Angela like a human being; he also stayed friends with her on facebook. Angela lived out a sexual fantasy through “Megan”. Frank was promiscuous. Frank wanted to marry Brenda; he even lied to her family to accomplish it. Angela desired Nev, also lying and posing as her younger daughter. She revealed the truth because she was caught. We see Frank was caught as well, so he also revealed the truth to Brenda.

1 comment:

  1. The woman in Catfish did live out a sexual fantasy, but it was clearly more than just that. She was clearly very unhappy with her life and her husband so she created several elaborate fake identities in order to live a different life.
