
The Social Network

Movie Review The Social Network
The actors of this film were: Jesse Eisenberg Armie Hammer Andrew Garfield Justin Timberlake. I would say that this film is a biography and drama. The director of this film is David Fincher, who has directed films like: Fight Club and Zodiac. This film dealt with a viewpoint, where success may be reached without college. Mark became an entrepreneur based on his own innovation and enthusiasm. However the film did mention Bill Gates and Bill Gates did attend college for some time.  Another important factor to Marks accomplishments was financial support. Without the help of Eduardo, Mark may have never had the ability to create Facebook. I thought Mark was very intellectual but people may not have respected him more, because of his attitude. Mark created Facebook with the collaboration of his roommate, and from the inspiration of viewing pictures. The targeted audience in this film is college students, and anyone who uses Facebook.
 The setting of the film took place in both New York and Los Angeles. Some of the bands featured in the music of this film are: Nine Inch Nails, Trent Reznor, and Atticus Ross. The music went well as the attitude altered throughout the movie. The story line begins in Boston, Mark and his girlfriend, and then it flashes to him sitting in court. We see Mark being sued by his friend Eduardo. The movie switches back and forth from court to the creation of Facebook. The film mostly deals with the competition between the men. We rarely view a lot of pleasurable moments, Mark becomes too involved with Facebook, as well as himself, he does not care for people who are not at the same level intellectually as him. He loses many things along the way, like friendship, money and possibly love.  I thought it was interesting the twins had the idea first, but that Mark was able to shape it and was socially aware of ways to make it better. He could tell that simple ideas like relationship status, and being able to view a person’s pictures would draw any one curious into the website. It was interesting that not only Mark appreciates the intelligent person but also an independent free spirited person like Shawn Parker. Mark liked him because he succeeded slightly with the same innovation that Mark himself possessed. It was really funny that Shawn eventually screwed up his chances with Facebook for drugs. The film really spoke to the world because the idea of Facebook is that any one can keep in touch with new and old friends. You can become familiar with people you have never met, and you can show the world who you are. I really liked the idea that Facebook was once only for people involved in Ivy League Schools. The film gave me a new interest in Facebook, and now I would like to create my own. This is interesting, I think that after people have viewed this film they will have a new interest and understanding of the film.

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