
The Next Three Days

The Next Three Days
            The Next Three Days was directed by Paul Haggis, releasing this 19 November 2010.  The tone of this film is crime drama and romance. The prominent actors included in the film are: John Brennan( Russel Crow), who is a simple teacher who is struggling to declare the innocence of his wife. Playing Laura Brennan is Elilzabeth Banks.  This film is set in a recent time setting, in Pittsburg.
            The film begins by showing us Laura Brennan, we catch a glimpse as she bumps into a homeless lady, while simultaneously leaving a crime scene.  The next morning we see Laura scrubbing blood off her trench coat, a little later that morning she becomes apprehended by the police. This is because her finger prints were found on the murder weapon of her boss. Her husband John, struggles to deal with her absence, as he continues to look after their child alone. He also truly and fully believes in his wife’s innocence.  One visit to the prison where his wife is being contained is plenty to riddle John with the guilt as he must continue to watch his wife and son suffer. Laura has even attempted suicide at the thought of not being with her son, even when she is with him it is clear he is dealing with things. Her son loses his connection with her, every family member is deeply affected by her presence in prison.  However we also see that Laura has a strong willed personality. It resonates compared to her husband, who continues to become withdrawn and  stay humble. Finally John cannot resist the option of escape. He encounters with a man who has fled prison several times and has written a book on it.  This is where he begins devising his plan to free his wife.
            We see John travel to local drug spots around town, trying to find fake passports; he quickly feels the reality of consorting with crime. We see him fight for his life, and even kill, all to free his wife. We see a twist as his wife confronts his weak spirit, after John blames himself for their son’s poor academic life. His wife is outraged, and asks John if he ever even considered that she might be guilty. John Leaves, but then decides he will stay true, and believe that she is totally innocent. It is unclear whether she is innocent at the point, but John continues to build his character and proceed with his plans of escape.

1 comment:

  1. This review is missing a lot of requirements for the assignment. Also, I didn't get why you gave the film 3 stars since there was no discussion on what you liked and didn't like about the film.
