
Megamind and Young frankenstien

Megamind and Young Frankenstein
            In both of these films we have an inventor. Young Frankenstein creates the creature. At first he does not want to explore the idea, and then he becomes obsessed with achieving the goal, as his late relative did. Megamind creates tighten because he to becomes concerned with a problem of no advisory to compete against. Both Men are innovative and problem solvers. Megamind has never known love, but finds love with Roxanne. Young Frankenstein has a fiancé’ but truly finds love with his lab  assistant.  The Creature is created to be loved, and simply to achieve the task of bringing back dead matter. The creature is then given the capacity to think and speak clearly we see is just like Megamind he wants acceptance. Tighten is given a new body, and strength, he then decides to become the antagonist.  Both Creators realize they have good intentions. They begin to put their problem solving skills to use. In the end they are able to show everyone who did not believe in them that they could accomplish something good.

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