

            Megamind was directed  by Tom McGrath, the film was released December 5th 2010. The cast overview includes: Will Ferrell as the voice of megamind, Brad Pitt as Metroman, Tina Fey as Roxanne Ritchi, Jona Hill as Tighten, David Cross as Minion, Ben Stiller as Benard.  This film, being animated, took place in Metro City; it could be futuristic or perhaps present time.
            In the beginning of Megamind we see him narrating as he is falling to his death. Then the film takes us back to when he was first sent to Earth. Megamind is not an earthly figure; as Metro Man both. Both started their expedition to earth as infants. Megamind and Metroman find themselves as each other’s competitors. As they are both initially orphans, Metroman finds his way into a prosperous home. This paves the way for a successful life. Megamind is brought up under different environments. Megamind lands in a prison, and is taught many criminal tendencies. He gains his moral insights from the prisoners surrounding him. He is never taught right and wrong.  Even though his conditions are rough he is unaware of the matter. We see that Megamind is innovative and very intelligent from early on. As he is sent to school, he begins to create by his knowledge of science.  He is faced with Metroman once more adding to the already existing rivalry.
  Megamind does not grow up with the same love from any authority figure, as Metroman. Megamind has only his minion to protect him. His Minion does a good job as a supportive friend but he is no parent. He finds himself creating demonstrations for the students, but mostly things go wrong. Megamind is soon deemed the outcast by his fellow classmates, while Metroman who understands that being good gets you noticed.
We see Megamind tire of this and he then begins to mimic the morals of his fellow roommates at the prison. He wants attention just as Metroman as, he concocts a creation to show his lack of concern of the rules.
 Megamind is soon deemed the outcast by his fellow classmates, while Metroman who understands that being good gets you noticed. This continues into adulthood for both men. Megamind and Metroman have developed their roles to the town of Metro City. Megamind is now the villain and Metroman is the heroic savior of Metro City. The city itself becomes the class room full of kids, that Metroman and Megamind must continue to compete for. Megamind usually captures the lovely reporter Roxanne Ritchi. He then devises a plan to kill Metroman. Metroman usually wins and the cycle continues. No one really fears Megamind untill Metroman fakes his own death. Megamind is now forced to create Tighten. Tighten is Megaminds’ prodigy and is created to be a superhero.
            I thought that the comical value of the movie was very entertaining. It was very funny that Megamind did not say Metro City, but Metrocity. This of course was due to the fact that he was not originally an earthling. I enjoyed the twists of the film. It was interesting that Megamind usually failed at all of his experiments, including Titan. The only thing Megamind was successful in was his ability to problem solve. The animation was very good quality. Some parts of the film appeared life like. Sometimes the characters bodies looked real. I enjoyed the music, the AC DC, gave you the feeling that Megamind was cool. This was great because I just wanted Megamind to find acceptance and to be happy. I laughed through the whole movie; all the characters were very funny. Will Farrell and David Cross were very funny. Their characters had a dumb wit.
            I did not think this movie was bad. I think that people might consider it a little grown up for children. There were a couple of adult jokes. I cannot remember them. I thought that the music was redundant and repeated itself.  If parents were taking their children to see it, they may enjoy the music choice because it was played in their generation possibly ( AC DC).I enjoyed the comedy the most, and I liked that the film had a good and bad aspect. I also enjoyed the moral “ to be yourself”.

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