
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I. and Star Wars

Movie Review : Harry Potter and The Deathly HaSllows, and Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
            At the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back the Dark Lord Sith sends robots to find Luke Sywalker, just as in Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort sends death eaters in search of Harry Potter. Luke is trained by yoda Jedi Master, while Harry received methods of instruction from Dummbledoor, revealing clues to destroying the Hocrux’s.  Luke is susceptible to the power of the dark side, when Hermione, Ron and Harry wore the Hocrux’s they were susceptible as well to it’s depressing and dark mood it would put you in.  When Ron became jealous and angry because of wearing the Hocrux, he left Harry and Hermione. This caused him to lose his way back, however he was able to hear Hermione some how, and came back. When Luke free falls down the shaft almost losing his life to Darth Vador, Lea hears his distress and he is also returned to safety.

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